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Advanced Methods for the Physics of Early Evolution (Master) – Übersicht

  • Übersicht

Informationen zur Vorlesung

Zeit und Ort

Monday 10.15-12.00, N020 Kleiner Physikhörsaal

We will highlight recent results on recreating the emergence of the first replicating systems on early Earth. The course is aimed to give in introduction in recent experimental and theoretical approaches in both the Christof Mast and Dieter Braun lab. We will present and critically comment on most recent topics and give a hands on introduction to this intriguing and highly cross-disciplinary field. It is a 2 hour lecture, 3 Credit Points. The lecture is for Master students and open to other discilines such as Geoscience and chemistry. The lecture is offered within the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master.

15.04. Introduction and overview (Dieter Braun)
22.04. Screening of Origin Movies and the recent Arte contribution with PI soundtrack (Dieter Braun)
29.04. Amino acids enhancing RNA polymerization by base catalysis and under long term wet-dry cycling (Saroj Rout and Sree Wunnava)
06.05. Thermophoretic traps for early evolution and simulating them (Christof Mast)
13.05. Making thermal microfluidics and heated 96 well plates: design and manufacturing (slide see above) (Christof Mast)
27.05. Pure System and Vesicle formation at heated air-bubble (Alexander Floroni)
03.06. Ribozymes at air-water interfaces (Dieter Braun, Paper)
10.06. Towards replication of 6mers on 36mers with amino acid enhancement (Felix Dänekamp)
17.06. LC-MS basics and analysis (Sree Wunnava)
24.06. Chirality selection and Ligation with 2',3' cyclic phosphate (Sree Wunnava)
01.07. Introduction to geoscience methods (Thomas Matreux)
08.07. Phosphorylation of 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotides and their recycling (Juliette Langlais)
15.07. Oral exams (Dieter Braun)




Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dieter Braun