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Emergence of Life in the Universe – Übersicht

  • Übersicht

Informationen zur Vorlesung

Zeit und Ort

Friday 8.30-12 Kleiner Physikhörsaal N020

We will explore the the Emergence of life from the perspective of Astrophysics, Organic Chemistry and Non-equilibrium Physics. It is a 3 hour lecture followed by a one hour seminar, yielding in total 6 ECTS. The lecture is geared towards master students, but also open to other disciplines and backgrounds. The lecture is part of the Biophysics Program of the Physics Master.

We divide the topic into the following topics which we will present in an interlinked lecture
- Universe to Planets with Mark Hutchison (4 lectures)
- Early Geochemistry with Bettina Scheu (2 Lectures)
- Chemistry of Life with Oliver Trapp (4 lectures)
- Nonequilibrium for Evolution with Dieter Braun (3 lectures)
- Microfluidics and Finite element simulations with Christof Mast (1 lecture)

Seminar topics and Papers (pwd below). Papers without Pwd. Added Astrophysics Paper #17

The lecture will be tested by an oral exam at the end of the Semester. Please send me a PDF of the fully filled out Schein by email before the exam. The mark will be a weighted average of your impression in the Seminar and the oral exam. The oral exam will be on above Zoom link.

We are doing the lecture typically in the Kleine Physikhörsaal, but possible also in other locations and aim to broadcast also via zoom. But onsite lecture are of course more fun and the information will stick better as you rather ask questions.

The recorded Zooms of the lecture in SS21 and the new recordings are found on LMUCast
Added recorded zooms to above in this semester SS22

Time Table (Location: Kleiner Physikhörsaal, N020 if not indicated differently):

29.4. Universe to Planets 1 (Mark Hutchison)

6.5. Chemistry of Life 1 (Oliver Trapp, Location Großhadern Chemistry, Building C: Hörsaal C3.003)

13.5. Nonequilibrium for Evolution 1 (Dieter Braun)
Topic#1: Leon Ecker

20.5. Early Earth Geoscience 1 (Bettina Scheu)
Topic #2: Julian Sommer

27.5. Universe to Planets 2 (Mark Hutchison)
Topic #3: David Dahlbüdding

3.6. Chemistry of Life 2 (Oliver Trapp, Location Großhadern Chemistry, Building C: Hörsaal C3.003)
Topic #7a: Nikolaus Wetzel

10.6. Microfluidics and Finite element simulations (Christof Mast)
Topic #6: Sebastian Trautschold

17.6. Universe to Planets 3 (Mark Hutchison)
Topic #7b: Alexander Zangl

24.6. Universe to Planets 4 (Mark Hutchison)
Topic# 15: Marina (if you read this, please send Dieter Braun an email!)

1.7. Nonequilibrium for Evolution 2 (Dieter Braun)
Topic #4: Dennys Erdtmann

8.7. (Godesberg) Chemistry of Life 3 (Oliver Trapp, Location Großhadern Chemistry, Building C: Hörsaal C3.003)
Topic #17: Enyi

15.7. Early Earth Geoscience 2 (Bettina Scheu)
Topic #8: Alex

22.7. Nonequilibrium for Evolution 3+4 (Dieter Braun)
: & #NN: Khushi

29.7. Chemistry of Life 4 (Oliver Trapp, Location Großhadern Chemistry, Building C: Hörsaal C3.003)
Topic #10: Yuehua & Topic #16: Isabella Tepfenhart

 Examination slots:



Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dieter Braun