TVI/TMP: Quantum Field Theory – Overview
We will introduce concepts and tools for the quantization of gauge theories.
Path integrals in Quantum Mechanics. Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics (canonical quantisation, gamma-matrices, Dirac equation, Lagrangian, Feynman diagrams)
Path integrals for field theory, gauge fixing, Faddeev Popov procedure, BRST quantization, Batalin Vilkovisky (BV) quantization, renormalisation, anomalies, construction and application of BV-actions, geometric description of gauge theories, deformation theory.
Organization of the Lecture:
There will be a registration for all courses in the summer term. Please register for this lecture and the tutorial in the LSF. In case you don't have an LMU account you can send an E-mail to Ivo.Sachs (at)
If not stated otherwise, the lecture takes place on
Mon, 14-16 c.t. via ZOOM
Fri, 10-12 c.t., via ZOOM
starting on 20 April 2020.
- A. Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutschell
- S. Pokorski, Gauge field Theories
- J. Zinn-Justin, Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena
- S. Weinberg, Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume 2
- I. Sachs, S. Sen, J. Sexton, Elements of Statistical Mechanics
Lecture Notes:
Lecture_1, Lecture_2,Lecture_3,Lecture_4,Lecture_5,Lecture_6,Lecture_7,Lecture_8,