Fakultät für Physik

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TA1: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics – Lecture Notes

Lecture notes

The lecture notes are hand-written and will be updated throughout the semester. If you encounter any mistakes, feel free to send me an e-mail.

Additional material

  • Gnuplot script to plot dynamic structure factor of the quantum harmonic oscillator (execute in Gnuplot via load 'dsf_qho.txt')
  • Gnuplot script to plot dynamic structure factor of the 1-phonon contribution for a harmonic 1D lattice (execute in Gnuplot via load 'dsf_pho.txt')
  • Gnuplot script to plot Graphene band structure (execute in Gnuplot via load 'graphene.txt')
  • Lecture notes from Trieste summer school, which we discussed (partially) on January 21st
  • Great homepage to understand the physics behind the integer quantum Hall effect (and topology)

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Sebastian Paeckel