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TA1: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics – Übersicht


Informationen zur Vorlesung

Zeit und Ort

Tuesday, 12:00 c.t.-- 14:00 (Theresienstr. 37, A 348)
Thursday, 16:00 c.t. -- 18:00 (Theresienstr. 39, B 101)

Exam / ECTS / Certificate

The lecture addresses physics students in general, which are interested in the concepts and methods to describe, analyze and understand condensed matter. At the end of the semester there will be an exam (date/room TBA in the lecture). The lecture provides 9 ECTS after successfully passing the exam, certificates will be handed out on demand (contact: kathrin.higgen@lmu.de).

The exam is going to be on Wednesday, February the 12th 2025, between 9AM - 12PM in room A348 (Theresienstr. 37). Please register for the exam here using your LMU/TUM mail address.


  • Girvin-Yang, Modern Condensed Matter Physics
  • Ashcroft-Mermin, Solid State Physics
  • Gross-Marx, Festkörperphysik
  • Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (Nice to built up foundations and intuition)

Further Reading Suggestions

  • P. Coleman, Introduction to Many-Body Physics

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Sebastian Paeckel