Fakultät für Physik

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Optoelectronics I – Tutorials

Head Teaching Assistants: Dr. Jacek Stolarczyk and PD Dr. Theobald Lohmüller


Group Tutorials: 3 groups, all in online (Zoom) mode

group 1:  Tuesdays, 12:00
group 2:  Tuesdays, 13:15
group 3:  Tuesdays, 14:30

There will be no tutorials in the first week of the semester (on 3rd November 2020).

The tutorials will start in the second week of the semester (10th November 2020). The description of the tutorials given as a presentaion at the Zoom meeting on Tuesday, 03.11.2020, 10:45, is available for download.

Problem Sheets

The problem sets will be published a week in advance of the due date.

We intend that the solutions will have to be sent to the tutors by email. We will inform of any changes to these plans.

(campus account is needed to download the problem sheets)

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dr. Jacek Stolarczyk