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Tensor Networks 2022 – Tutorials


Tutorial materials can be obtained upon request, addressed at vondelft@lmu.de
Tutorial Date Materials updated Topic
T08 27.07.22 NRG:spectral function, TRG
1. Spectral function fron NRG
2. Tensor renormalization group
T07 11.07.22

NRG: static properties
1. iterative diagonalization
2. full density matrix NRG

T06 29.06.22 Logarithmic Discretization, Tangent Space, TDVP
1. Logarithmic Discretization
2. Tangent Space
3. Time-dependent variational principle (TDVP)
T05 13.06.22 two-site DMRG, iTEBD
two-site DMRG
T04 30.05.22

Single-site DMRG
effective Hamiltonian
Lanczos method

T03 19.05.22 SVD & MPO & Fermions
1. Reshaping a general tensor into MPS form
2. Matrix product operators
3. Iterative diagonalization and MPOs
T02 03.05.22 Tensor network basics
1. Tensor contraction
2. Update Left
3. Iterative Diagonalization
4. SVD and Canonical Form
T01 28.04.22 MATLAB/Julia 101
Introduction to MATLAB & Julia