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T_M1/TV: Advanced Statistical Physics (Statistical Physics II) – Exercises

Exercise Sheets


Exercise classes

The exercises consist of two parts: the central exercise and the exercise groups (aka tutorials).

In the central exercise the solutions to the weekly exercises will be discussed. It takes place on Wed 14 - 16 c.t.

In the exercise groups hints and additional information for the problem sheets will be provided. You can work there on the problems as well as ask questions to the assistants.

There are at the moment 5 exercise groups:

Group I: Wed 8-10 c.t. (M. Buser),

Group II: Wed 12-14 c.t. (L. Homeier),

Group III: Thu 8-10 c.t. (M. Moroder),

Group IV: Thu 12-14 c.t. (M. Grundner),

Group V: Fri 8-10 c.t. (M. Kebric)

Registration for the exercises is mandatory. The registration via LSF (17076 Übungen zu T_M1/TV: Advanced Statistical Physics) is open until Tuesday Apr 13 at midnight.