Fakultät für Physik

Links und Funktionen



Biophysics of Macromolecules – Overview


Prof. Dr. Jan Lipfert

Dr. Willem Vanderlinden

Lab website: [Link]

Course format: online lectures and sign up

  • Due to the unprecedented situation with the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 corona virus pandemic, we will use online lectures and discussion sections via Zoom during this semester.
  • To facilitate communication, please sign up for the course in the LSF system (https://lsf.verwaltung.uni-muenchen.de). If you have signed up, you should have received an email with the Zoom meeting information to participate in the lectures. If you have not signed up, please do so. If you cannot sign up for some reason, but want to participate in the course, send me an email (Jan.Lipfert@lmu.de).
  • Recordings of the Zoom lectures are available in the LMU cast system. Follow the link in the "Recording" tab above. You need to log into the LMU cast system using your LMU account to access the videos.

Biophysics TED Talks

  • Schedule for the "Biophysics TED Talks" [PDF] 
  • Presentations will be 5 min + questions
  • Focus on the “big picture”, i.e. the fundamental ideas, possibly with an interesting/new examples/application
  • Presentations will be over Zoom
  • Refer to my "Pointer on giving talks" (see Lecture June 30)

Bonus points

  • List with bonus points earned from problem sets [PDF]

Course evaluation

  • Since we currently can not evaluate the course using the standard paper based evaluation forms, the physics department has switched to an online system. You should receive an email in the week of July 27 with instructions of how to evaluate the course.
  • Please take a moment to fill out the evaluation for the course. Your feedback is much appreciated!

Final exam

  • How to get the "Scheine": We have now transfered all certifactes for the course ("Scheine") to the examinations office ("Prüfungsamt"). While the examinations office is closed to the public, you can request by email to have your credit points and grades added to your transcript. Please check on the website of the examinations office [link] what their current procedure it.
  • Final grades [PDF]. The final grades take into account the oral exam and the bonus from presenting problems in class and the TED talks.
  • The exam for the course will be a ca. 20 min oral exam.
  • Exam schedule [PDF]. Everyone should have received their first choice of exam format (online/in person) and first or second choice of exam date. If your name is missing on the list or if you can't make the assigned time and date, please send me an email. 
  • If you have requested an online exam, I will send you a Zoom link the day before the exam.
  • If you have requested an in person exam, the exams will be at Amalienstrasse 54, 1st floor. Please come a few minutes before the assigned time. In the building, you will have to wear a face masks in the hallways and while waiting for the exam.

Sign up for the final exam

  • Please sign up for the final exam by Sunday, July 26, 2020.
  • Oral exams will be scheduled in the week August 3-7, with a back up date on August 10.
  • You can take exam online (via Zoom) or request an in person, offline exam (which will be held at Amalienstr. 54 in Munich).
  • If you want to take the exam (to get credit for the course), please send me an email (Jan.Lipfert@lmu.de) by July 26 at the latest with the following information:
    • 1) That you want to take the exam, with your name and matriculation number. 
    • 2) Whether you want to take it online (via Zoom) or in person.
    • 3) Your top 3 of dates (August 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 10) that you would prefer.
    • 4) If you want to take the exam online, please include a signed copy of this consent form (this is a university requirement) [PDF].


  • Tuesdays 10:15 - 12:00 
  • Thursdays 12:15 - 14:00 

Credits: 4 SWS = 6 ECTS