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Ultracold Quantum Gases II – Journal Club

Accompanying the lectures and problems we will work on original literature in the field that has been published in scientific journals such as Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters, etc. This will allow you to become acquainted not only with the original work, but also should help you in writing your own articles in the future.

We expect you to read the papers before the corresponding due date, so that you can contribute to the discussion of the work and the physics, and can answer questions. When you read the paper, you should keep in mind, that you are not required to understand every single detail or read all the references for the Journal Club. However, you should look into the references, if otherwise you lack an important concept.


Usually the Journal Club will be held on Thursdays 3-4pm. Please send me an e-mail, if you are interested in presenting a paper.

How to access original literature (paper):

For the journal club the most relevant journals will be Physical Review Letters (PRL), Physical Review A (PRA), Reviews of Modern Physics (Rev. Mod. Phys), Nature and Science.

For the most convenient direct access to journals from within the university network, you need to set the proxy server of your browser to the university library or to the physics institute's server. Here you can read how to do it. This is also required sometimes for the CIP computers, as apparently not all new LMU accounts are pre-configured accordingly.

To access papers from outside the university, you either need to use VPN into the university network, or alternatively use the new web interface (this is the equivalent to the old "Easyproxy" system, which is still mentioned on some old university web pages).