Fakultät für Physik

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Ultracold Quantum Gases II – Übersicht

Welcome to Ultracold Quantum Gases II

Wahlpflichtvorlesung in the Master program.


  • We have fixed the dates for the tutorials: Friday 8-10am, 2-4pm.
  • First Problem Set will be available on Tuesday April 28th.
  • Problem Sets, lecture notes and additional material will be distributed via moodle. Please register using the password we sent via e-mail.

Time and Place

  • Tuesday: 12-2pm (c.t.)
  • Thursday: 2-4pm (c.t.)
In additional there will be a Journal Club, where we discuss original research papers, typically on Thursdays 3-4pm.


In order to participate please register via the LSF until May 4th. If you miss this deadline please send me an e-mail.
We will provide additional details about how to access the online course via the LSF. Please make sure that you receive all e-mails, i.e., information will be sent to the the e-mail address with which you are registered in the LSF!

Virtual Study Groups

If you are interested in organizing virtual study groups, the student representatives offered to put students in contact with virtual study groups. Please contact gaf@fs.lmu.de.


Basic knowledge in Atomic Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics. Having taken Ultracold Quantum Gases I is useful but not required!


For this course you can get 9ECTS points. There will be a written or oral exam at the end of the course. It is not yet clear how the final exam will be organized. This will depend on how the current situation develops.


Monika Aidelsburger

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Monika Aidelsburger