Fakultät für Physik

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TVI/TMP-TD2: String Theory II – Overview


About the lecture

Time and place

Monday 12.15-13.45, via ZOOM
Tuesday 12.15-13.45, via ZOOM
Begin: April 20


All participants of the course should register via the LSF, both for the lectures and separately for the tutorials. Among others, this will ensure that you receive the necessary information concerning the format of the lectures and tutorials. This information will be sent out to registered participants before the first class. If you are not a student at LMU and, thus, do not have access to the LSF but would still like to participate, please send me an email.



  • Low energy effective actions
  • Compactification
  • Superstring and Heterotic String
  • String Dualities



  • Becker, Becker, Schwarz: String Theory and M-Theory
  • Blumenhagen, Lüst, Theisen: Basic Concepts of String Theory
  • Green, Schwarz, Witten: Superstring Theory (2 vols.)
  • Kiritsis: String Theory in a Nutshell
  • Polchinski: String Theory (2 vols.)
  • Schomerus: A Primer on String Theory
  • Weigand: Introduction to String Theory
  • Zwiebach: A First Course in String Theory

For a basic introduction to supersymmetry see for instance:

For black holes and p-branes in supergravity and string theory:

For superstring perturbation theory:

For Calabi-Yau compactifications:

For an introduction to AdS/CFT:



Basics in General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory and Bosonic String Theory (String Theory 1). If you did not take the course String Theory 1, please read chapters 1 - 5.5.1 in the lecture notes by Timo Weigand.