Fakultät für Physik

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Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum – Biophysics

practical biophysics courses  (Biophysics Program)

 August 19. - September 06. 2024

(application: re-opened until July 28 in LSF)

be there! Kickoffmeeting: was on 19.7.2024 12:30 in N110 be there!
please contact me in case you missed it !

The courses are designed (analogue to P5.2.7 and P6.0.7) for groups of two students (for details see also "Praktikumsordnung"): Please register for 2 to 6 courses. The courses are scheduled according to the list below, where you -if registered- will find your group coordinated in a time table. This timetable will be generated in the end of July. In case you have questions please contact: martin.benoit@physik.uni-muenchen.de

Overview of the Biophysics Program(master) courses:

J1b Super resolution microscopy: DNA-paint Jungmann
B2b Thermogravitational Trapping Braun
Rub Stochastic simulation of active Brownian motion Rulands
R1b PCR-products in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscpy Rädler
R4b Rheology on Hydrogels          (cancelled)
L2b Electron Microscopy on DNA origamies Liedl
V1b Molecular motors (Aktin/Myosin)                              Veigel
T1b DNA origami and superresolution microscopy          Tinnefeld

nach oben

Kickoffmeeting: 19.7.2024 12:30 Seminarraum LS Rädler N110

Timetable (August / September 2023)

19.08. Monday - - - - - - - - -
20.08. Tuesday - - - - - - - - -
21.08. Wednesday - - - - - - - - -
22.08. Thursday - - - - - - - - -
23.08. Friday - - - - - - - - -

nach oben

26.08. Monday - - - - - - - - -
27.08. Tuesday - - - - - - -
- -
28.08. Wednesday - - - - - - - - -
29.08. Thursday - - - - - - - - -
30.08. Friday - - - - - - - - -

nach oben

02.09. Monday - - - - - - - - -
03.09. Tuesday - - - - - - - - -
04.09. Wednesday - - - - - - - - -
05.09. Thursday - - - - - - - - -
06.09. Friday - - - - - - - - -

nach obenregistered students:

Barnard (9 ECTS)
Miao      (9 ECTS) please specify your courses in LSF by 28.7.2024
Eisenbeil(3 ECTS) please also apply in LSF by 28.7.2024

(Nguyen ?6 ECTS please get in contact with Martin Benoit)

Please make sure having read and signed these instructions: Guidelines for Students
Download the process slip ("Laufzettel") and have it with you for each final colloquium with your supervisor.
A typical course day will start at 9:00 with an oral interview. Please arrange the procedure for the experiment with the supervising tutor (see below) before hand!nach oben

Supervising Tutors:

nach ob

credit points (CP) will sum the following:

  • (each lab course times two) modulo 3=CP(=ECTS)
  • ((1 course * 2)=2) modulo 3= 0CP
  • ((2 courses * 2)=4) modulo 3= 3CP
  • ((3 courses * 2)=6) modulo 3= 6CP
  • ((4 courses * 2)=8) modulo 3= 6CP
  • ((5 courses * 2)=10) modulo 3= 9CP
  • ((6 courses * 2)=12) modulo 3= 12CP             (not recommended: quite some work load !  )