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Molecular spins for quantum computing

Prof. Eugenio Coronado (University of Valencia)

Datum:  27.01.2020 17:15 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr

Ort: Hörsaal 2, Physik-Department der TUM, Garching

Spins provide one of the simplest platforms to encode a quantum bit (qubit), the elementary unit of future quantum computers. Here I will discuss how molecular magnetism can contribute to the design of robust quantum spin systems [1]. Using molecular nanomagnets as key examples, I will illustrate the variety of paths that a chemistry-based bottom-up approach has recently opened for quantum technologies: from the design of molecular spin qubits with enhanced quantum coherence to the coupling of these for implementing quantum logic gates. Finally, I will describe how the integration of these molecular quantum units into devices might lead to scalable quantum computation architectures [2].


  1. E. Coronado, Nat. Rev. Mater. (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41578-019-0146-8
  2. A. Gaita-Ariño, F. Luis, S. Hill, E. Coronado, Nature Chem. 11, 301-309 (2019)

Student event: Meet the speaker

We invite you to a student-only discussion-round with Prof. Eugenio Coronado before his Munich Physics Colloquium talk. Be curious and feel free to ask any question.
Monday, 27th of January 2020, 16:00 h, Seminar room PH 3268 (upper floor), Physik-Department der TUM, James-Franck-Straße 1, Garching.

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