Vorlesung: Medical physics in radiation therapy – Übersicht
- Übersicht
- Scripts material
Informationen zur Vorlesung
Zeit und Ort
Vorlesung 4-stündigMedical physics in radiation therapy, Dozent: Prof. Dr. Katia Parodi, Dr. Marco Pinto, Zeit: 4-stündig
Di 14:30-16:00 s.t.
Mi 08:30-10:00 s.t.
Beginn: 15.10.2024, Ende: 17.02.2025
Registration via LSF
The written examination will be on March 6 2025 at 9:15 in room H537. Details on the format can be found in the scripts of the last lectures, and have been discussed in class. Students of the 1st semester MUST register in LSF. Regardless, all students planning to take the exam should also contact Prof. Parodi at
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Katia Parodi