Analog Electronics - Practical Course – Associated lecture
It is highly recommended to attend the course Analog Electronics for Scientists. Here, you will learn the fundamentals, which you need in the lab course.
Recommended textbooks:
- T. L. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Pearson, 2017
- P. Horowitz und W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press, 2015
- E. Hering, K. Bresser und J. Gutekunst, Elektronik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler, Springer, 2014 (PDF über Universitätsbibliothek)
- U. Tietze und C. Schenk, Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik, Springer 2016
Recommended software:
- Origin, home licence available via physics faculty
- Inkscape, public domain and free
- MikTeX, public domain and free
- MultiSim, available in lab