Neutrino Mass and Grand Unification – News
- The exam will start on Friday 17/02/2023 at 14:00. It will be a
take-home exam with a duration of 5 days, i.e. the deadline for sending
us your solutions will be on 22/02/2023 at 14:00.
You are required to fill out a certificate form (Schein)
and send it to our secretary Mrs. Wiesbeck-Yonis by
as soon as possible and at the latest before 15/02/2022. Please fill it
out digitally (everything except the grade and the date/signature) and
send it to our secretary, stating in the email if you wish that the
signed Schein be sent back to your home address by post or for it to be
sent directly to the Prüfungsamt and of course as a scan to your email
address. After the exam and its review, once the grades are fixed, you
can decide whether you want the Schein with the grade sent to the
Prüfungsamt or not. In case you don't want your Schein to be sent to the
Prüfungsamt, please notify our secretary immediately after the review. - Until further notice the lecture and tutorials will be held online via ZOOM.
- The tutorials will start in the second week of the semester.