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Physics of Biological Membranes – Vorlesung

Physics of Biological Membranes


15.10.19 Introduction (slides01) reading: R.Philipps intro (pdf)

22.10.19: Vorlesung entfällt

Molecular properties of Water, Oil and Lipids 

29.10.19 Lipid self-assembly (slides02, notes02) reading: Israelachvili (pdf)
chemistry of lipids, solubility, hydrophobic effect, lipid self-assembly, critical micelle concentration

05.11.19 Lipid self-organization (slides03, notes03
Lyotropic phases, packing parameter, SAXS, chain dynamics, permeability, diffusion

Mechanics of membranes

12.11.19 Membrane elasticity (slides04, notes04)
Curvature, bending modulus, bending energy, vesicle shapes, cubic vs lamellar phases,

19.11.19 Membrane elasticity (slides05, notes05)
membrane elasticity, adhesion, fluctuations, steric interaction, supported membranes 

26.11.19 CO2 neutral energy circuits in nature (slides06, notes06)
Photosynthesis. Nernst potential, Redox potential, fuel cells

Lipid mixtures and phase separation

03.12.19 Transmembrane proteins (slides07, notes07)
the photosynthetic reaction center, elastic interactions of 
transmembrane proteins 

10.02.19 Thermotropic phase transitions (slides08, notes08)
theory of binary mixtures, phase separation

17.02.19 Cholesterol and Lipid rafts (slides09, notes09)
phase separation, lipid rafts


Charged membranes and biological function

07.01.19 Membranes Electrostatics (slides10, notes10)
Debey Hückel Theory, charge regulated protein lipid interactions 

14.01.19 Curvature Sensing
recapitulation of curvature elasticity: read and discuss "curvature coupling of BAR proteins"
Sorre et al. PNAS 109, p173 (2012) (pdf) and supplement (pdf)
see also exercise_02 (pdf) and R. Philipps page 448-453 (pdf)

21.01.19 Cationic lipids and gene delivery
read and discuss "Structure and Delivery Mechanisms of Cationic lipid–DNA complexes" 
reviews: Ewert et al Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2005) 5(1) (pdf), Ewert et al Top Curr Chem (2010) 296: 191–226 (pdf)

