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Seminar: International Seminar Series on Nanophotonics – Overview

  • Overview

The goal of this fantastic lecture series is to bring together leading experts in nanophotonics from all over the world to inspire a new generation of graduate Physics students of the Munich area for this topic.

About the lecture

Time and place

Wednesday, from 16:00 c.t. to 18:00
Starts on April the 17th
The lectures will be given virtually over Zoom (link will be announced by mail to the enrolled students).

Note: If you would like to attend this course and give a talk to get its corresponding credits (see bottom of this page), please register in the LMU online course system at https://lsf.verwaltung.uni-muenchen.de/



Prof. Emiliano Cortés, Emiliano.Cortes@physik.uni-muenchen.de

Dr. Andreas Tittl, Andreas.Tittl@physik.uni-muenchen.de

Prof. Leonardo Menezes, L.Menezes@physik.uni-muenchen.de



17th Apr: Prof. Antonio Gomes Filho (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil) - to be confirmed
24th Apr: Prof. Carlos Ríos Ocampo (University of Maryland, USA)
01st May: No lecture (holiday)
08th May: Prof. Maxim Gorkunov (Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
15th May: Prof. Sebástien Bidault (Institute Langevin, France) 
22nd May: Prof. Monika Ritsch-Marte (Medical University of Innsbrück, Austria)
29th May: Prof. Arno Rauschenbeutel (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
05th Jun: Prof. Emilie Ringe (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
12th Jun: Prof. María García-Parajo (The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)
19th Jun: Prof. Otto Muskens (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
26th Jun: Prof. Michele Celebrano (Instituto Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
03rd Jul: Prof. Alberto Naldoni (University of Turin, Italy)
10th Jul: Prof. Simone De Liberato (University of Southampton, United Kingdom & Instituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie - CNR, Italy)
17th Jul: Prof. Leonardo Scarabelli (Barcelona Institute of Materials Science, Spain)
Student assessment will be based on:
1) the student's degree of participation in the lectures and performance along discussions and
2) a talk (15 minutes + discussion) the student must give based on a topic of one of the lectures. This topic is completely of the student's choice, no need to sign-up in advance.
The process for defining the topic of the talk and presenting it is as follows: an e-mail informing the wish of giving a talk and informing its topic must be sent to Prof. Leonardo Menezes at latest 8 days after the respective lecture, except for the last lecture (in this case, the mail to Prof. Menezes must be sent at latest 1 day after the last lecture). From this moment on, Prof. Menezes will arrange a Zoom meeting with the student for him/her to give the talk. This should happen not before one week and no later then two weeks. 

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Prof. Leonardo Menezes