Fakultät für Physik

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Advanced Topics in Nanophotonics – Overview

  • Overview

This course will convey advanced topics in the field of nanophotonics, in the form of a hybrid lecture/seminar style. Student assessment will be via presentations.

About the lecture

Time and place

Lecture: Tuesdays 14:00-16:00 c.t.
Tutorial: Thursdays 14:00-16:00 c.t.
Lectures at Conference Room and Tutorials at Alpenblick Seminar Room, both at the Nanoinstitut München (Königinstraße 10)

Lectures start on 16th April; Tutorials start on 18th April.

The following topics of nanophotonics will be covered

• Plasmonics: Propagating and localized surface plasmons
• Mid-IR Nanophotonics: Breaking the diffraction limit with phonon polaritons
• Applications of polariton-based nanophotonics in ICT, sensing, and energy
• Nanophotonics of atomically thin 2D materials
• Metasurfaces and metaoptics
• Fundamental aspects of nanophotonic biosensing
• Chiral nanophotonics from plasmonic to all-dielectric
• Nanophotonics at ultrasmall distances: towards the quantum regime
• Advanced applications of nanophotonic strong coupling
• Optical microcavities
• Thermometry in nanoscale
• Single quantum emitters
• Metal nanoparticles colloids: control of optical properties


Dr. Andreas Tittl, andreas.tittl@physik.uni-muenchen.de

Prof. Leonardo Menezes, l.menezes@physik.uni-muenchen.de


Prof. Leonardo Menezes, l.menezes@physik.uni-muenchen.de

Moodle link:


Note: If you would like to get credits for this course, please also register for the Tutorials ("Übungen") in the LMU online course system at https://lsf.verwaltung.uni-muenchen.de/


Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Prof. Leonardo Menezes