Fakultät für Physik

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Biophysics of the cell – Lecture

All information and material regarding this lecture can be found on the proper Moodle page
Key for registration: cell-physics-ss22


28 April: Introduction (Joachim)

Structure of eucaryotic cells, organelles, transport,
chemistry of lipids, hydrophobic interaction, self-organisation, critical micelle concentration

Lipid Membranes

5 May: Lipid membranes I (Joachim)

membranes permeability, membrane-continuum models, bending elasticity, vesicle shapes Membrane fluctuations, Helfrich interaction

12 May: Lipid membranes II (Joachim)

lipid dynamics, vesicle fusion, lyotropic phase transitions, Thermotropic lipid phase transition, lipid mixtures

Neuronal signaling

19 May: Neuronal Signaling I (Friedhelm)

Hodgkin-Huxley + giant squid. Signal propagation:Cable equation
Ion channels: Mechanically activated ion channels: Piezo (Nobel prize)
Experimental techniques to readout electrophysiology: Multielectrode arrays, Patch clamp, Calcium imaging, Lightsheet microscopy

26 May: Vorlesungsfrei

2 June: Neuronal signaling II (Friedhelm)

Fitzhugh, VanderPool, Ion Channels

Photosynthesis & Cell Mechanics

9 June: Photosynthesis I (Joachim)

Neuronal networks: Hobfield network (if time permits)Synapses Neuronal Systems (diseases?), brain

16 June: holiday

23 Juni: 23. June Single cell mechanics (Friedhelm)

30. June Photosynthesis II (Joachim)

Molecular level (Actomyosin, optical tweezers), Rheology of Cortex (magnetic tweezers), Single cell dynamics (Traction force microscopy), Mechanotransduction (Force directed, YAP)

7. Juli Physics of Cell Migration (Joachim)

mesenchymal vs amoeboid migration, actin polymerization, and contraction, adhesion and prestress, chemotaxis,

14. Juli Physics of tissues (Friedhelm)

3D: Pipette aspiration: Laplace law, interfacial tension, differential adhesion hypothesis
Phase transition glass - solid state: Jamming unjamming
Tissue mechanics during development: Laser ablation, Zebrafish development, Droplets, Laser ablation

21 July: Physics of Cancer (Joachim)

28 July: Oral Exams