Fakultät für Physik

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Seminar: Key Experiments in Particle Physics – Übersicht

  • Übersicht


Informationen zur Vorlesung

Zeit und Ort

Tuesday 12-14 ct, online.

The seminar will be held online using zoom. You must be registered for the seminar in LSF to receive the key for the moodle course where the connection information is given!

In addition to the registration in LSF sign-up for a topic from the available ones in the list below is by email to Prof. Thomas Kuhr. Already taken topics are grey. Alternatively one can sign up for a remaining topic at the introduction session.

Date Topic
13.04.21 Introduction
20.04.21 Discovery of the Higgs Boson
27.04.21 Discovery of the W- and Z-Bosons
04.05.21 Discovery of the Top Quark
11.05.21 Discovery of the Charm Quark and Tau Lepton
18.05.21 Structure of the Proton
01.06.21 Polarized Electron Deuteron Scattering: Weinberg-Salam's Triumph
08.06.21 Discovery of CP Violation in the Kaon System
15.06.21 Discovery of CP Violation in the B Meson System
22.06.21 Two Kinds of Neutrinos and Discovery of the Tau Neutrino
29.06.21 Discovery of Neutrino Oscillations
06.07.21 Number of Neutrinos
13.07.21 g-2 of the Muon

A talk and active participation are required for a successful completion of the seminar.