Fakultät für Physik

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Optoelectronics II – Tutorials

Head Teaching Assistant: Dr. Jacek Stolarczyk


Group Tutorials:

The tutorials are planned for Tuesdays at 12:00 (Group 1) and 14:00 (Group 2) - the times will be confirmed later. The further arrangments will be provided at the of the first lecture on Tuesday, 13.04.2021, 10:45 (same Zoom meeting as lecture). The presentation is also available for download as a PDF file.

The tutorials will start from the second week of the semester. The students receive the invitations for the Zoom meetings for the Tuesday tutorials directly from the tutors of both groups.

Problem Sheets

Problem Sheet 1, the solutions do not need to be sent, the problem sheet will be discussed on 20.04.2021
Problem Sheet 2, due date: Monday, 26.04.2021, 9:00
Problem Sheet 3, due date: Friday, 30.04.2021, 10:00
Problem Sheet 4, due date: Monday, 10.05.2021, 9:00
Problem Sheet 5, due date: Friday, 14.05.2021, 10:00
Problem Sheet 6, due date: Friday, 21.05.2021, 15:00
Problem Sheet 7, due date: Friday, 04.06.2021, 15:00
Problem Sheet 8, due date: Monday, 14.06.2021, 9:00
Problem Sheet 9, due date: Monday, 21.06.2021, 9:00
Problem Sheet 10, due date: Monday, 28.06.2021, 9:00
Problem Sheet 11, due date: Monday, 05.07.2021, 9:00

(campus account is needed to download the problem sheets)

Please remember abut registering for the exam by 5th July by sending an email to Dr. Jacek Stolarczyk.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dr. Jacek Stolarczyk