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EM2: Advanced Particle Physics – Übersicht

  • Übersicht

Lecture for the Master of Science in Physics study course


Informationen zur Vorlesung

Zeit und Ort

Lecture (Start 14.04.)
We 10 - 12, online via Zoom
Th 10 - 12, online via Zoom

Tutorial (Start 20.04., End 15.07.)
online via Zoom

Th, 29.07.2021, 8-12

Retake Exam
Fr, 24.09.2021, 8-12


  • Please enrole for lecture and tutorials in LSF:
  • Lecture: Enrolement in LSF using this link (Lecture No. 17072)
  • Tutorials: Enrolement in LSF using this link (Lecture No. 17073)
  • Self enrolement for moodle webpage of lecture:
  1. Go to https://moodle.lmu.de
  2. Search course "EM2 Advanced Particle Physics"
  3. Click on found course
  4. Accept site policy agreement (Nutzungsbedingungen) at very bottom of the page
  5. Click on "Self enrolement (Student)
  6. Login in with LMU (or TUM) credentials
  7. Confirm by clicking: "Ja/Yes" (very bottom)
  8. Self enrolement (Student): Enter the registration key 2021EM2_AdvParticlePhys in the box


Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Otmar.Biebel@lmu.de