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Tensor Networks 2020 – Tutorials


Tutorial materials can be obtained upon request, addressed at vondelft@lmu.de

Tutorial Date Materials updated Topic
T15 28.07.20 Tutorial: MPS-based machine learning (optional)
1. Handwritten digit (MNIST) recognition
T14 21.07.20 Tutorial: GILT, FET
1. Graph-independent local trunction (GILT)
2. Full environment truncation (FET)
T13 14.07.20

Tutorial: TRG, simple update
1. TRG to compute correlation functions. 2. Simple update to find ground states

T12 07.07.20 Tutorial: Finite PEPS
1. Contraction of finite PEPS on a strip
2. RVB state
3. Kitaev's Toric code
4. Resonating AKLT loop state
T11 30.06.20 Tutorial: NRG II
1. Thermodynamic properties
2. Spectral function.
T10 23.06.20 Tutorial: NRG I
1. Iterative diagonalization
2. Energy flow diagram
T09 16.06.20 Tutorial: tDMRG. Tangent space methods
1. tDMRG
2. Entanglement growth, Trotter error
T08 09.06.20 Tutorial: iTEBD
1. iTEBD for ground state search. 2. Hastings' method
3. Correlation function
4. Orthogonalization
T07 02.06.20 Tutorial: DMRG
1. Ground state search
2. 1st excited state search
3. Correlation function
T06 26.06.20 Tutorial: Symmetries & Qspace II
T05 19.05.20 Tutorial: Symmetries & Qspace I
1. Introdution to Qspace library
2. Complete set of local operators
T04 12.05.20 5. Construction of Hamiltonian. 6. Ground state. 7. Tranfer operator. String order parameter. Tutorial: MPS II
1. Iterative diagonalization of fermionic chain
Tutorial: AKLT Model (pen & paper)
1. Left-normalization. 2. Transfer operator. 3. Spin transfer operators
4. Spin correlators, string order parameter
T03 05.05.20 Tutorial: MPS I
1. Canonical forms of MPS. 2. Expectation values
T02 28.04.20 Tensor network basics
1. Tensor contraction
2. Singular value decomposition
T01 23.04.20 MATLAB basics