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Soft Matter Physics – Lecture

Soft Matter Physics

All power-point slides and scripts are available in the accompanying moodle.

If you are registered for the course in LSF (instructions), but cannot login to the moodle page, please contact Kilian Frank.


Tue 21.04.20: lecture 1: Introduction
Forces, energies and timescales in condensed matter
Introduction to seminar topics 


Tue 28.04.20: lecture 2: A single colloidal particle in a fluid
Single particle in a liquid, Brownian motion, Perrin's experiment

Tue 05.05.20:  lecture 3: Colloidal Interactions
Van der waals forces, electrostatic interaction, the electric double layer, DLVO theory
colloidal probe techniques

Tue 12.05.20: lecture 4: Colloidal dispersions
entropic forces, osmotic pressure, depletion forces, hard sphere model

Polymers & Gels

Tue 19.05.20: lecture 5: Polymers: Chain conformation and thermodynamics
Random coil, Gauss chain, radius of gyration, form factor
force-extension relation, entropic spring, Langevin function

Tue 26.05.20: lecure 6:  Polymers: Linear viscoelasticity
viscoeleasticity, creep compliance, stress relaxation, special cases of non-linear viscoelastic behavior

Tue 02.06.20: no lecture

Tue 09.06.20 lecture 7: Dynamic scaling
Reptation, rouse dynamics, percolation, Flory-Stockmaier-theory of gelation

Liquid Crystals & Molecular Self Assembly

Tue 16.06.20: lecture 8: Phase transitions
Polymer blends, mixing and demixing, spinodal decomposition, diblock-copolymers  

Tue 23.06.20: lecture 9: Liquid cyrstals
liquid crystal phases, thermotropic, lyotropic liquid crystals, isotrop-nematic transition
(Maier-Saupe, Onsager), topological defects, electric properties, displays 

Tue 30.06.20: lecture 10 Lipid Bilayers Biopolymers -
Membranes and vesicles, elasticity of membranes, lipid mixtures
DNA, proteins, protein folding, filaments, filament growth

Active Matter & Locomotion

Tue 07.07.20:  lecture 11 Active Matter
motors, swimmers, active particles 

Tue 14.07.20: lecture 12 Active Matter

Tue 21.07.20: lecture 13 Soft Matter Concepts & Cell Migration