Seminar: E-Dynamik für Bachelor – Übersicht
- Übersicht
- Material
- Ankündigungen
29.04.2020: SeminarbeginnSeminarbeginn mehr
Informationen zur Vorlesung
Zeit und Ort
Beginn: 30.04.2020, 16:15 UhrEnde: 23.07.2020, 17:45 Uhr
General information
The seminar will take place ONLINE only!
Time: Wednesday 16-18 c.t. , seminar starts April 29, 2020
Credit points: 3 ECTS
A range of topics will be offered at the advanced bachelor level. Prior exposure to classical electrodynamics is required.
- at least one presentation is given
- all presentations (missing 2 at most) attended
- actively participated in discussions
- online availability of presentation prior to scheduled presentation date
- final version of presentation including all resources available in GIT
- live presentation via ZOOM for all seminar participants
A GIT is assigned to the seminar, where all materials are found. To access the GIT on option is to install the GIT client on your host system. We cannot provide support for the client installation. Please ask your friends for help or consult the WWW in case you need to. A simpler option is the web interface of GITLAB.
GIT associated to the seminar via the GIT client
- Check the availability of GITLAB at
- Change to your home directory: cd $HOME
- Clone the GIT to the seminar: git clone
- Change to the new directory: cd e_dyn_bachelor_seminar_sose2020
- Update your local GIT in regular intervals: git fetch origin
- Pull from the REMOTE in regular intervals: git pull origin master
GIT for feedback to the seminar via the GIT client
- Check the availability of GITLAB at
- Change to your home directory: cd $HOME
- Clone the feedback GIT: git clone
- Change to the new directory: cd e_dyn_bachelor_seminar_sose2020_feedback
- Update your local GIT in regular intervals: git fetch origin
- Pull from the REMOTE in regular intervals: git pull origin master
- Create your seminar contribution in LATEX and add it locally to GIT: git add name_matrikelnummer_title.tex
- Commit your contribution locally: git commit -m "name matrikelnummer title, e-dyn seminar, sose2020"
- Push your contribution to the REMOTE when ready: git push origin master:master