%%% --- Biophysics of Macromolecules --- %%% %%% --- LMU - Sommersemester 2020 --- %%% %%% --- Prof. Lipfert --- %%% %%% %%% Solutions to %%% Problem set 2, Problem 2 %%% Two-state protein folding clc; clear; %%% Define thermal energy RT = 0.6; % Thermal energy in kcal/mol %%% Plot data for T. Thermophilus PGK figure(1); clf; hold on; box on; dG_0 = -4; m = 2; xplot = 0:0.1:5; yplot = (1./(1+exp(-(dG_0 + m.*xplot)./RT))); plot(xplot, yplot, 'b-', 'linewidth', 2) set(gca,'LineWidth', 1,'FontSize', 25, 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'TickLength',[0.02 0.02]) ylabel('Fraction unfolded'); xlabel('[GdnHCl] (M)'); axis([-0.2 5.2 -0.1 1.1]) print(figure(1),'-r300','-dpng', 'Two_state_folding.png')