Fakultät für Physik

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T_M1: Advanced Statistical Physics – News

Second Exam

The second exam will take place on September 30, 2020, 08:00 am – 12:00 pm. Please refer to the information on the course's Moodle page. Registration via Moodle and LSF before September 29 is mandatory.

Exam Results and Review

Exam results from the first exam are published on the course's Moodle page. Exam reviews took place on September 02 and September 16.

Exam Updates

Please note the recent edits to the exam rules.

Exam Registration

The registration form for the final exam is now open. You can find it in the exam section. After you completed the form, you need to submit it explicitly. If you inspect your results, it should say "You successfully registered for the exam." If this is not the case, contact Tom.Burkart@physik.lmu.de.

Please note that you also need to register on the LSF to take part in the exam. The reason for this is that we need a register of participants that is archived (LSF), but also need to make sure that you can upload the exam on Moodle.

The exam takes place on July 31, 08:00-12:00. Please check the Exam tab for further information

First lecture on Zoom

Please use the following link to attend the first lecture on Zoom:

First Lecture, 20 April 2020, 10:00

We will not publish the links for the following lectures on the website for privacy reasons. Instead, use Moodle to have access to the lectures (see below).

Coordination of the lecture on Moodle

The coordination of the lecture will take place on Moodle, and only the most relevant information will be published on the website. Once you have been admitted to the lecture (check your LSF schedule) you will receive an e-mail on your campus account with further information on how to access Moodle. If you have been admitted to the lecture but did not receive any e-mail regarding the lecture, please contact Tom.Burkart@physik.lmu.de or A.Ziepke@physik.lmu.de.

Registration for the lecture

Please register for this lecture via the LSF:

  • Lecture: Link to LSF, registration open from 30 March 2020 to 04 May 2020.
  • Central Tutorial: Link to LSF, registration open from 30 March 2020 to 04 May 2020.
  • Tutorial Classes: Link to LSF, registration open from 13 April 2020 to 23 April 2020.

Please note that the group numbers of the tutorials have changed due to changes in the way the LSF assigns groups, and check that your registration matches the new group numbers.