Few-body quantum physics - From quantum optics to solids: Lecture and tutorial – Overview
- Overview
- Problem Sets
- Lecture Files
About the lecture
Time and place
Lecture: Thursday, 08:00 c.t. to 10:00Lecture: Friday, 08:00 c.t. to 10:00 (every other week, starting Apr. 24)
Tutorial: Friday, 08:00 c.t. to 10:00 (every other week, starting May 9)
- The "Scheine" for participants of the exam will be available after Sep. 1st. Details how to get them will be published here from that date on.
- The last regular lecture will take place on Friday, July 24. There will be one extra lecture on Friday July 31. There will be no lecture on Thursday, July 30.
- If you would like to take the exam, please send an email to fabian.grusdtATphysikDOTuni-muenchenDOTde until July 9, 2020!
- Problem set requirements: To qualify for the final exam, active participation in the tutorials is required: this can be done by EITHER of the following two:
- Handing in 50% or more solutions for every problem set [as pdf to fabian.grusdtATphysikDOTuni-muenchenDOTde - no later than 24 h before the tutorial] , OR
- Thorough presentation of (in total) two solutions to problem sets [optional: sign up (first-come-first-serve) for a problem via fabian.grusdtATphysikDOTuni-muenchenDOTde].
- The lecture will take place online via Zoom video conference. To participate, please sign up via LSF to obtain the link to the lecture room -- or send an email request from your campus email to fabian.grusdtATphysikDOTuni-muenchenDOTde.
- Problem set 1 has been updated. The first tutorial takes place on Fri., May 8th 2020.
Klausuren / ECTS / Scheine
The lecture is for advanced Bachelor and Master students of physics, 6 ECTS-points for lecture + tutorials. Criterion: final exam + participation in tutorials.
Wenn Sie einen Schein benötigen, füllen Sie bitte die Vorlage mit Ihren persönlichen Daten aus und geben das Formular entweder bei der Klausur dem Prüfer oder reichen das Formular im Sekretariat ein (Cordula Weber, Theresienstr. 37 (A) A408, Bürozeiten: Montag bis Donnerstag von 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr).
Useful sources (in addition to online script):
- Pethick & Smith, Bose-Einstein condensation in Dilute Gases [Cambridge Univ. Press (2008)]
- Braaten & Hammer, Efimov physics in cold atoms [Ann. of Phys. 322 (2007)]
- Bloch, Dalibard & Zwerger, Many-body physics with ultracold gases [Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 885 (2008)]
- Saffman, Walker & Molmer, Quantum information with Rydberg atoms [Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 2313 (2010)]
- Bhaduri et al., An elementary exposition of the Efimov effect [Am. J. Phys. 79 (3), March 2011]
- Deng, Haug & Yamamoto, Exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensation [Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 1489 (2010)]
- J. T. Devreese: Lectures on Fröhlich Polarons from 3D to 0D [arXiv:1012.4576v6]
- Grusdt & Demler, New theoretical approaches to Bose polarons [arXiv:1510.04934]
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dr. Fabian Grusdt