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QCD at Colliders (SS20) – Übersicht

Lecture for the Master of Science in Physics study course


Informationen zur Vorlesung

Zeit und Ort

Di 8:30-10(!) Seminarraum H206
Di 14-15, Seminarraum H206
Di 15-16, Seminarraum H206

Agreement on Date&Time for Oral online Examination on this Lecture:
Enter your Matriculation Number and choose one Date&Time of your exam here
(Note: Enter QCDstudies to access the above webpage)

Note: Lecture start on Tuesday at 8:30 to avoid overlap with lecture 17102 "Heavy Quarks Physics"

*        Please register for this lecture using the following LSF link !      *

*   This lecture will be transmitted using lmu-munich.zoom.us.                         *
*   The chromium-browser allows for a fairly reliable web-based                      *
*   access without requiring further software installation.                                  *
*   The link to access the meeting will be provided to registered participants.   *


Topics of this Lecture

  • Quarkmodel of Hadrons
  • Colour Charge and QCD
  • Discovery of the Gluon, Gluon Spin
  • asymptotic Freedom
  • αS Measurements
  • Triple-Gluon-Coupling, Colour Factors
  • Quark Mass Effects
  • Quark-Gluon Differences
  • Modelling of QCD Reactions
  • Power Corrections
  • Fragmentation Functions
  • Colour Coherence Effects
  • Proton and Photon Structure Functions
  • at low scales: DGLAP vs. DLLA vs. BFKL

Staff for Lectures & Tutorials

  • N.N.



D.Perkins Introduction to high Energy Physics Addison Wesley
D.Griffith Introduction to Elementary Particles Wiley
F.Halzen, A.Martin Quarks & Leptons Wiley
R.K.Ellis, W.J.Stirling, B.R.Webber QCD and Collider Physics Cambridge UP
G.Dissertori, I.Knowles, M.Schmelling Quantum Chromo Dynamics Oxford UP
P.Renton Electroweak Interactions Cambridge UP
Paritcle Data Group http://pdg.lbl.gov

... and many more!


Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Prof. Dr. Otmar Biebel