Fakultät für Physik

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Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays

Prof. Dr. Manuel Endres (Caltech, Pasadena, USA)

Datum:  05.10.2020 17:15 Uhr – 18:30 Uhr

Ort: Zoom, Password: Kolloquium

Optical tweezer arrays applied to cold neutral atoms have emerged as a versatile platform for quantum science. In particular, atom-by-atom assembly-a feedback-based scheme for entropy removal-now enables he generation of defect-free atomic arrays with flexible geometric arrangements. These assembled atomic arrays form the starting point for experiments in quantum simulation and computing based on excitation to Rydberg states. I will review these developments and describe our very recent results for alkaline-earth atoms. The rich level structure of such two valence-electron atoms enables novel cooling, control, and read-out schemes. We have used these techniques in demonstrations of record imaging and two-qubit entanglement fidelities for neutral atoms. At the same time, this direction naturally merges highprecision spectroscopy with single-atom control within many-atom systems, as exemplified by novel tweezer array clocks. All in all, tweezer arrays with alkali or alkaline-earth atoms promise a host of high-fidelity applications along almost all axes of quantum science, including simulation, computing, metrology, and communication.

The Colloquium will take place online: Zoom (Password: Kolloquium)

Student event: Meet the speaker

Unfortunately, there won’t be a ‘‘Student event: Meet the speaker’’ this week.