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Festkolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags von Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Peter Ring

Dr. Elena Litvinova (GSI, Darmstadt): “Particle-vibration coupling in a relativistic framework: spectral properties of exotic nuclei” Prof. Dr. Dario Vretenar (Universität Zagreb): “Energy density functionals in nuclear structure physics”

Datum:  27.10.2011 14:30 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr

Ort: Am Coulombwall 1, Garching
Lecture Hall (ground floor)


14:30     Begrüßung:  Prof. Dr. Nora Brambilla

14:45     Dr. Elena Litinova (GSI, Darmstadt)

               “Particle vibration coupling in a relativistic framework:

                    spectral properties of exotic nuclei”

15:45      Kaffeepause

16:15      Prof. Dr. Dario Vretenar  (Universität Zagreb)

              “Energy density functionals in nuclear structure physics”

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