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Gravitational Wave Astronomy: We can hear the Dark Universe!

Prof. Karsten Danzmann (MPI f. Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein Institut) u. Leibniz-Universität, Hannover)

Datum:  27.04.2017 16:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr

Ort: Am Coulombwall 1, Garching
Lecture Hall (ground floor)

Since thousands of years we watch the Universe with our eyes. But more than 99% of the Universe are dark and will never be observed with electromagnetic waves.
Since September 14, 2015, everything has changed: Gravitational waves have been discovered!
We got a new sensory organ and finally can hear the dark side of the Universe. The first sounds that we heard originated from completely unexpected heavy Black Holes. And nobody knows which other dark secrets are waiting for us out there.

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