Archive Summer Semester 2023
26.04.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
Information return in Hawking radiation, a Gaussian quantum information theory perspective
Professor Erik Aurell (KTH Stockholm)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via ZOOM (for access information please consult the webpage of the colloquium)
03.05.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
Unraveling Turbulence: Modern Viewpoints On An Unsolved Problem
Professor Yaron Oz (Tel Aviv University)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via ZOOM (for access information, please consult the webpage of the colloquium)
24.05.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
Positivity constraints on theory space
Professor Leonardo Rastelli (Stony Brook University)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via ZOOM (for access information please consult the webpage of the colloquium)
14.06.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
Modern aspects of quantum physics and topology
Professor Miguel Martin-Delgado (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via Zoom (for access information, please consult the webpage of the colloquium)
21.06.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
The Nobel Prizes in Physics in 1932/33: Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Dirac
Professor Mats Larsson (Stockholm University)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via Zoom (for access information, please consult the webpage of the colloquium)
28.06.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
Constraints on Quantum Gravity
Professor Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech & IPMU, Tokyo University)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via Zoom (for access information, please consult the webpage of the colloquium)
12.07.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
The Underlying Scaling Laws and Universal Statistical Structure of Complex Datasets
Professor Yaron Oz (Tel Aviv University)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via Zoom (for participation via Zoom, please register in advance on the webpage of the colloquium)
19.07.2023 um 16:15 Uhr
Professor Markus Heyl (Augsburg University)
A348, Theresienstr. 37 and via Zoom (for participation via Zoom, please register in advance on the webpage of the colloquium)